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Fabric and Synthetic Film Welding

Ultrasonic welding films and synthetic fabrics Welding for films and synthetic fabrics: applications in the clothing, non-woven, packaging and textile sectors.

Ultrasonic film and fabric welding is widespread in the apparel, nonwoven, packaging and textile industries. This type of soldering may be applied with 100% synthetic fabrics or blends composed with up to 40% non thermoplastic fibers.

The film and fabric materials that can be processed are polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene, rigid thermoplastics, polyurethane, a few vinyl varieties and films coated with thermoplastics.

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Film and Fabric Welding Approaches 

There are three possible modes to perform film and fabric weaving using ultrasounds: Seam, Plunge and Traversing.

  • In seam mode, film and cloth materials are put between a stationary or rotary sonotrode and a patterned contrast rolling anvil. It is mostly used for making long incisions and seals in the for manufacturing of clothing and textiles. Lace making machines are a good example of this.
  • In plunge mode, materials are placed in contact with the ultrasonic horn (often featuring a sharp edge and one for sealing) being put under pressure to cut a specific shape and seal it along its edge (used in blister film packaging, tubes sealing, filter pads etc).
  • In traversing mode, the ultrasonic horn traverses the soldering area while materials remain stationary. By using the appropriate tools, both film and fabric can be bonded together or slit apart.

Ultrasonic bonding requires no adhesive tapes nor glues of any kind, plus it is energy efficient compared to traditional methods.

Visit ourYouTube channel to see Sonic Italia’s multiple applications.

Learn More about Film and Fabric Welding

Do not hesitate in contacting us if you have further questions regarding our  film and fabric welding technologies. We will gladly clear any doubt you may have. You can always browse our website as well, featuring our products and research range.

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